More than 800 coastal scientists, managers, and professionals from federal and state agencies, academia, non-profits and industry came together April 25-28 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to network, collaborate and discuss coastal research and management in the Gulf of Mexico as part of the first-ever in-person Gulf of Mexico Conference (#GOMCON).

The Gulf of Mexico Alliance hosted this event in partnership with the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative and Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies.

Highlights from the event included: an opening keynote and panel discussions on increasing collaboration to address common challenges across the Gulf of Mexico; a tools café with resources for coastal management and resilience; and more than 360 topical presentations on addressing challenges facing the Gulf of Mexico. Presentation themes included: resilience, climate impacts, citizen science, community outreach, habitat management and restoration, living marine resources, sediment management, water quality, and emerging issues.


Opening Plenary

Wednesday's Plenary Panel

Conference Photo Gallery